Monday, April 25, 2005

Laura Bacchi's Newsletter Coming Soon!

I'm gearing up for my May and June releases, and will be launching my newsletter at the first of the month.

Laura Bacchi's Bits will feature a contest, excerpts, musings, and news about my works-in-progress as well as interviews of erotic romance authors. For the first issue, I have the pleasure of interviewing author, Bridget Midway. She promises to spill all her secrets and make us laugh!

If you're interested, enter your email into the link below, and I'll send you an invite. I hope to eventually do the group forum as well and encourage authors of erotic romance to promote their work by posting excerpts of their upcoming releases.

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Silma said...

Good luck with your newsletter, Laura!

BTW, you got tagged (RD blog tag).

Unknown said...

Spilling secrets I can do. But make you all laugh? Wow, that's a tall order! *LOL*

Can't wait to see your newsletter, Laura.


Laura Bacchi said...

Thanks, Silma! Maybe I'll do a special edition on chicken suits one day *wink*

Laura Bacchi said...

Thanks, Bridget!