I've been staying up till 1 or 2 AM every night this week working on stories for Ruthie's Club, which makes getting up at 6 AM mighty hard. Plus, I have a ton of ebooks to read. I did finish one...and will write about it later this week. Which one, you ask? Guess you'll just have to wait and see ;)

Laura, you better take it easy. You don't want to ruin your health. Or worse yet, overwork your Muses. They might go on strike, you know. *nods nods nods*
I had a bad case of writer's block in October and November, so I'm desperate to type out all I can while the muse/voices in my head rattle on. But you're right - sleep is important :)
Oh, I see. Your Muses went on vacation - maybe to celebrate Halloween and Thanksgiving with Dyonisus - without your permission, and now they're back and full of energy. *lol*
I was busy for awhile, but things backing off and have more time for writing. But I still have too many projects. Well, that's what it feels like so I know what you mean.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all! I hope the coming year brings us all lots of surprises and contracts and sales...
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