Beth Wylde recently opened up her warm and welcoming loop to other authors for two weeks of fun-filled theme days. I enjoyed being there, and I was glad that she agreed to an interview so that I could find out more about her.
LB: I always like to hear about first sale stories. Tell us about yours. How did you celebrate? What things surprised you as you went from signing a contract to release day?
Beth: Sending out a submission is the hardest part of being an author. The writing is easy--it's the waiting to find out if it is accepted that's hard. I opened up my email after 3 months of waiting and found an acceptance letter and a contract. I think I just stared at it for about 10 minutes before I realized what it was. I was excited, shocked and nervous all at the same time. I ran into my room and jumped into bed with my hubby, bouncing up and down and shouting about becoming a published author. He kind of looked at me like I'd gone insane. I think it frightened him. LOL It was wild.
The editing was a surprise. My editor was tough and that's great but I just didn't expect it. I know better now and I'd rather have it that way. Behind every good author is an even better editor. They do a hard and mostly thankless job.
LB: Yes, they sure do. For me, editing a blurb is sometimes the hardest part... to get it just right. I love the opening to your blurb for
Switching Sides: Girl meets boy - Boy dumps girl - Girl meets girl. Share with us the inspiration for this story and tell us what other f/f tales you’re planning.
Beth: I didn't start out to write a f/f story actually. I was in a grumpy mood and the story was really frustrating me. Elizabeth's date was being an ass. I got so mad and started man-hating a bit, Kara just showed up and said, "Kick out Brad, it's my turn." The story flew together after that. There is just something very sensous about two women being together. I have a sequel in the works for Kara and Elizabeth which will delve quite a bit onto the world of BDSM.
I have a submission in now that is bi themed. It's m/f/f/m but I haven't heard back about it yet. I also have a m/f werewolf short in the works and another hot f/f tentatively titled
Love on the Line. I'll post the info on them when I get the acceptance or rejection notice to my yahoo group and website,
http://beth-wylde.tripod.com. (The link to the group is on my home page.)
Below is a little taste of my foursome titled
The Big Four-Oh!I kept my eyes on my ass as I wiggled it from side to side, watching it sway in a sexy way that made me grin even more. "I look pretty good at forty, even if I do say so myself."
The water in the bathroom shut off as my best friend called out. "Abigail, are you talking to yourself? You know that's a sign of senility and insanity."
I yelled back. "No it's not. Forty is not old and you're only considered crazy if you answer back."
I heard her laugh and suddenly the door swung open to reveal Candice wearing nothing but a towel and a smile. She took one look at me and whistled her approval. "Dave is going to have a stroke when he sees you." She stepped up against me until my arm brushed against her full breasts. "You look good enough to eat."
She traced her right hand down my arm, lingering at the bend on my elbow where she knew the skin was extra sensitive. The look she gave me was full of sexual hunger and I shivered as I got instantly hot and wet. I moaned out loud, I couldn't help it, and Candice giggled like a schoolgirl at my reaction. It reminded me that she had more experience in the bedroom with both women and men and I knew right away she'd been the perfect choice as our third.
LB: Sounds hot! I hope you find a home for it soon. In a review for
Switching Sides, Joyfully Reviewed notes, “If you have not read any female/female stories but are willing to try one, I would highly recommend this story as a great one to start with.” Erotic romance readers have embraced M/M with open arms. Is F/F getting the same buzz--and sales--in your opinion? Do you feel lesbian erotica gets a fair shake with review sites? What F/F titles would you recommend to someone wanting to try this genre [besides yours, of course ;)]?
Beth: I think f/f is often overlooked. A lot of the publishers, especially some of the bigger ones, will accept m/m but not f/f. I'd love to see that change. I love writing it. Most review sites have been very fair about
Switching Sides, though some wanted the story to be longer. I was set to a certain length for the story though because originally it was only available in an anthology.
Jolie du Pre has a new book out that she edited titled Iridescence:Sensous Shades of Lesbian Erotica. It's an anthology containing some of the hottest and most well written f/f stories that I've ever read. I also like Lara Zielinsky and Megan Rose. There are a lot of good lesbian erotic anthologies coming out now. You just have to search for them.
LB: You’re also written a hetero werewolf novella called
Full Moon Madness, which you’re now hoping to expand to novel length. Can you share any hints about the parts you’re reworking? Any future paranormals in the works?
Beth: I'm focusing a lot on the intro, trying to give the story a lot more depth and emotion plus some much needed background info. I have an adult fairytale I just completed that is Werewolf themed as well. It's an adult rewrite of the story of Little Red Riding Hood. Now I just have to proofread it and find it a home. I'd love to do a vamp themed story too.
LB: You’re stuck on a deserted island with only food, water, and five books. Which five books do you hope they are and why?
Beth: Only five? I might not survive. LOL
- At least one by Laurell K. Hamilton.(Anita Blake themed preferably because she kicks ass and the guys are delicious.)
- One by Diana Gabaldon (Anything in the Outlander saga. Yay, Jamie)
- Shelley Laurenston (Any of her Magnus Pack books. Shapeshifters and hot sex, who could ask for anything more?)
- J. D. Robb (Any In Death book. The outcome is always a shock and the action is non-stop. The fact that Dallas' man is a serious hottie is another selling point. ^_^)
- Charlaine Harris (Something from the Sookie Stackhouse series. Sookie gets into all kinds of trouble and Charlaine's writing is top notch.)
LB: You are given one year anywhere in the world to go write the book you’ve always dreamed of writing. Where will you go?
Beth: The place is easy. Scotland. Somewhere remote and away from any city where I could write in peace. I love Scottish highlander stories, any man that can pull off a kilt is the bomb. I'd love to stay in an old castle too, to add to the atmosphere. It would definitely be a ghost themed book but I have no idea about a title. I'm usually more than halfway through the story when the title comes to me.
LB: Thank you so much for letting me pick your brain! You can find out more about Beth at her website, where she offers Author and Publisher Spotlights (I'm in her Author Spotlight for October--check it out if you get a chance). Plus she's got a MySpace and of course her fun Yahoo loop.
http://beth-wylde.tripod.com/http://groups.yahoo.com/group/bethwylde/myspace.com/bethwyldeEmail: b.wylde@yahoo.com
Beth: Thank you - this has been such an enjoyable interview.