Rhonda Leigh Jones has an article up at Suite 101 called the Pitfalls of Writing a Sex Scene: Three Traps for Erotica Writers.
Erotica Readers & Writers Association gets you in the mood for Halloween with their La Petite Mort collection of sexy, spooky tales.
While you're there, check out Shanna Germain's Sexy on the Page column for this month called Finding the Perfect Market.
Thanks for the link, Laura! I'll be back to see what kind of naughtiness you're into here...
Thanks for the very cool links!
Selah sent me, Happy Halloween
Hi, Selah sent me, Happy Halloween!!
Selah sent me! Happy Halloween to you and yours!
Selah sent me, Laura. From one Laura to another, Happy Halloween!!
You're welcome, Rhonda. Me, naughtiness? Heh heh...
Thanks to everyone for the Halloween wishes--and to Selah for sending everyone here! Wishing you treats, not tricks :D
whoa! that's my Rho-Rho! Whoot! Go girl! heyya Laura - just popping by to wish you Merry Samhain.
oh how funny - my word verification: bats
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