Sex with Kings by Eleanor Herman
This was a delicious read! Witty and scholarly without straying beyond my comprehension, Herman's romp through history is a must-read for erotica buffs who like non-fiction. Chapters are arranged by theme and cover just about anything you can think of concerning the women lucky enough to play hide the salami with His Highness. How they got there, what happened should they get pregnant, and what became of them once a new mistress slipped into the king's bed - all this and more are presented with flowing prose that keeps you wanting to turn the pages.
Another cool thing about this author is that she lives near me. Maybe I'll catch her at a signing or reading someday soon. Check out Eleanor Herman's website and read a sample chapter.
Maybe she'll write a book about the lovers of queens...a girl can wish ;)
Sounds like a really interesting book.
It's a great read, even if you don't write historical. Just fascinating!
I will Go Buy. I wanted it anyway, but high praise from you-you Naughty Librarian-is praise to send me shopping indeed!
'The Naughty Librarian' - I love that!!!
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