Watch the countdown as I wait for the release of my debut print novel, THE DARK GARDEN on June 1st, and be eligible to win a signed Advance Reader Copy of my second novel, THE DARKER SIDE OF PLEASURE, plus a few other goodies! The ARCs of my second novel were just shipped and it hasn’t even been reviewed yet, so you may be the very first to see it!
This is all you have to do:
1) First, check with your local bookstores and make sure they have copies of my book available-do it now! It takes 2-4 weeks for them to order books! If they haven’t already ordered it, simply tell them you and a few people you know are interested in the book, and they’ll put in an order.
2) Then, after the book is released June 1st, go to the bookstore and photograph yourself and/or your friends or family with the book, and send the pictures to me here:
Two prizes will be awarded, and there are two ways to win:
~Take the funniest or most unique photo. I'm not going to tell you what to do here-feel free to use your imagination! Just don’t break any laws.
~Take the photo with the most people in it. You’re welcome to drag-uh, ask- other bookstore customers to join in your photo-they don’t have to be people you know.
3) If you have a blog , you can paste this code into your sidebar or in a post to join in the countdown to the release of my book-and invite others to do the same!

Countdown until release:
Don’t forget-all photos must include someone holding THE DARK GARDEN, or it must be on the bookshelf, or otherwise prominently displayed. (THE DARK GARDEN will most often be shelved in the literature section, but some stores may carry it in romance).All photos must be taken between June 1st and June 15th, and submitted by midnight PST on June 15th. Winners will be announced on June 20th.
*Disclaimer: Photos may be posted on my blog. By submitting photos to me, you agree to have these photos posted or used at my discretion.
Wishing you many, many sales, Eden. You're a talented lady who deserves the best!
Thank you, Laura! You totally rock! *hugs*
Hugs right back! I'll be picking up my copy this weekend :)
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