Sunday, September 09, 2007

Linkage du Jour

Tawny Taylor is starting a series of posts called the Seven Habits of Highly Effective (aka published) Authors. Here's her first post. Tawny's definitely got it going on, so I'll be sure to read these. Lord knows I'm about as effective as a broken shoelace some days.

Amie M. Evans discusses whether giving work away for free is "a good, bad, or ugly idea and why" in her latest column at Erotica Readers & Writers Association (ERWA). Freebies can be an effective way to promote, so this article is definitely worth a read.

Shanna Germain is up at ERWA too, and this month she talks about Taming Your Triangle. Nope, she's not talking about personal grooming habits... she's offering tips for revising your erotic stories. Great advice, as usual.

J.M. Snyder started a new review site exclusively for GLBT work of all genres. It's called Rainbow Reviews. If you write or read GLBT, you may want to check it out.

Stumble onto any cool, informative links? Feel free to share.

1 comment:

Laura Bacchi said...

Oops - had a broken link for Rainbow Reviews. All fixed now :)